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Monday, March 1, 2010

9 Keys to Starting a Successful Internet Business

Find "The Right" Company, Business, Opportunity
First things first. Do not be gullible and get carried with all the hype. There is a lot of fluff and exaggeration floating around on the net. It is designed to capture and attract desperate people, dreamers and opportunity seekers. Be sure to do your due diligence on every aspect of the company before signing up. It is not going anywhere, do not rush, take your time & make a well informed, educated decision that this is the right business for YOU!
Find "The Right" Mentor
There are many websites that will sell You their business opportunity without informing you of who it is you are actually signing up to. Having "The Right" Mentor should be taken as serious as choosing "The Right" Business. Without the help, support & guidance of a MENTOR you could find yourself losing your way & heading down a completely wrong route.  Find someone you can trust, feel comfortable with & who is 100% committed to your success. What you learn from your MENTOR, you will be able to duplicate to others who get involved with you & your business.
Having the right attitude and mindset is extremely important, especially in the early stages. If you are going to treat your business as a hobby and have a "lets just see what happens" kind of attitude, then you will 100% fail. Your MINDSET and the way you think will have a great effect on the outcome of your business. Failures are inevitable and should be treated as learning curves. Remain positive and have clear visions. Your thoughts turn into feelings & your feelings will become your actions. Negative thoughts will result in negative actions. Positive thoughts will result in positive actions.
Personal Development & Education
Are you a leader or a follower? Being successful requires making a personal investment. You must be prepared to learn & educate yourself, increase your knowledge. Would YOU join YOU in the business?
You need to position yourself as a leader & an expert. To do this you need to be the best that you can be & educate yourself. People do business with people. No matter how much you think your business is great & the product or service sells itself. To become Successful you must:-
Research-Read-Learn-Implement-Take Action
Working From Home
You will need to have appropriate space to be able to run your business at home. We are not all fortunate enough to have our own office ( at the beginning) so you will have to find the best area in your home where you can set up your desk, computer, files etc. What kind of environment do you live in? How easily is it to get distracted?
Daily Plan of Action
The majority of people starting their own business from home will still be in part or full-time employment. Either way, you must be focused and schedule your time wisely. Each night make a "to do" list for the next day. Write 5 things that will bring you closer to your income goals & help build your business. Allocate certain hours in your day where you are 100% devoted to your business.  Having your own business requires discipline & it can get hard at times to not get distracted & side tracked, but with a daily action plan to follow, it will make it much easier to stay focused.
Marketing System
Choose a business with a Marketing System in place. This is extremely important as a marketing system will teach & train you on all aspects of marketing your business on the internet. It will show you how to close more sales with consistent automated marketing. You will be able to manage your prospects & customer lists with a click of a button for maximum sales conversions & profits. It will help filter out time wasters to the serious prospects & do most of the telling, selling & explaining of the business. That way you can leverage your time by following up with your serious prospects.
Invest Money
You must expect to have some money to invest into your business. You may not need a lot, dependent on what business or company you are joining, but you will need to put some aside for start-up costs, domain names, auto-responders, education, etc.
Believe in Yourself
Believe in yourself & your company. If you do not believe you can make it as a Successful Entrepreneur then no-one else will believe you too. The stronger your belief, the stronger your commitment to succeed.
Everyone is equal and everyone starts at the bottom, it really is dependent on the amount of time, energy, effort & belief that you put in that will determine your success. It is irrelevant of your past experiences, skills, achievements, environment, etc. Believe in yourself & watch your business grow!  Bex Lund is an experienced Internet Marketer & Mentor who is guiding and helping others to achieve massive success on the internet. Learn more on how she can help you generate income, lifestyle & freedom by clicking on

7 Successful Internet Marketing Strategies For Beginners 

Here are 7 Internet marketing strategies that all beginners should Know. You have to start somewhere and there's a bit of a learning curve for selling information and products on the Internet. So I am providing you with the best online marketing strategies that I have developed.
1.) The Internet marketing strategy that I'd advise every marketer to implement is to take the time to learn one of the many marketing systems. Almost all systems produce good results. Don't bounce from one system to the another. Take time to learn just one system.
2.) Take immediate action! Don't get caught up in trying to figure it all out one time. Once you're comfortable with the system you chose and understand the basics of it, don't be afraid to take immediate action. Get your product out there on the Internet. You might make some mistakes, but that's OK. You'll soon succeed by trial and error.
3.) Learn to write an attractive sales copy. This could the most important Internet marketing strategy for you. You can find professional copywriters to do this for you, but it will cost you a fee. This process is known as outsourcing. So to save dollars and cents, it's best you learn to write the sales copy yourself.
4.) Quickly learn article writing. One of the best ways to promote your products is via articles like this one and submit them to article directories. To even benefit from articles, you'll need to write and post one per day. This process may be time consuming at first, but once you get the hang of it, you'll bang them out quickly. Just make sure they are informative.
5.) Consider using Pay Per Click advertising, also known as PPC. PPC is the quickest route to drive traffic to your website. But, if you don't understand how PPC works, it could cost you quite a bit. If you want your product in front of millions of viewers pronto, PPC is the best route for you. Just make sure you understand how bidding on keywords works and what it may cost you.
6.) Make your own step by step processes. You shouldn't have to reinvent the wheel each time you create a new product or website. Instead, have a set routine to follow. Develop your own guide to setting up an eye catching blog or promoting a profitable ebook. Not only will you save time in the long run, you will also make more money. This is one of those online marketing tips that so many marketers miss.
7.) Show value. Internet marketing isn't about taking your consumer's money. It's about sharing valuable and helpful information. You MUST develop relationships with your consumers and provide value to them. It's way harder to get an initial sale without showing value than it is from someone who trusts you.
There you have it; 7, of many, Internet marketing strategies to get you started. So what are you waiting for?
Mike Whitney has been in the Internet Marketing field for three years. For more free information about Internet Marketing check out To your success.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Create Additional Income Streams Using the Internet

There has never been a better time to use the internet to generate additional income streams. There are literally billions of users surfing the internet daily and many of them are looking for items to buy and the numbers keep growing.  If you could find a way to supply those people with what they are looking for and turn them into paying customers, then only a very small percentage of those people can generate substantial income. Now here is the good part, you can and this can all be done from the comfort of your home, with a computer connected to the internet and at times to suit yourself.  What I am talking about are businesses that exist on the internet and would not exist if the internet did not exist. There are 100's of 1000's of online businesses on offer but which is the right one for you and which will work for you. The trouble is, with so much to choose from it becomes impossible to decide what to do and it is precisely this that stops you starting.  Become your own boss and quit your job are phrases that are often seen on the internet. The fact is that there is an ever increasing number of people that are. A number of them are surprisingly successful too and many of them are earning extraordinary amounts of money. You see the internet is a huge place with almost no boundaries. The market is global and reaches a significant proportion of the world population. Never before has there been the opportunity to reach potential customers worldwide.

There is a constant demand for information and digital media and there are plenty of people or companies that want to sell these types of products. Becoming an affiliate to these suppliers means that you can sell their products too.  To be successful though, the key is in finding those customers and this is generally where people fail. Many of the successful entrepreneurs will give you information on how they have succeeded in this and to be successful yourself you will need to be persistent.  In conclusion, yes anybody can make money with an online business on the internet but it depends on your mindset. You must adopt all the systems that are recommended for any business opportunity and not give up. The reality is that is takes time to build up but once you know what works for you, you can then build on those and you will be rewarded for your efforts..
Imagine your total financial freedom running your own successful internet business. Want to learn more and see some excellent business opportunities? Go to

4 Quick & Easy Strategies to Finding Explosive Niches For Your Internet Marketing Business 
What would you say, if a top internet marketing guru told you he knew the 'best kept secrets' when it came to finding the best explosive business niches ever? Would you listen? Would you take action?  If there's one lesson I learned well, in internet marketing and making money online... It's how important it is to find the right, profitable niche! "The money is in the niche"... I can't tell you how true this is. Even if you didn't have a subscriber list, you can still make tons of money, just by having the right niche to be targeting. But without an incredible niche, a business is in for troubling times.
4 Quick & Easy Strategies to Finding Explosive Niches:
STEP 1: Keyword Research
Go to a good keyword research website such as... the free version of WordTracker is to get a feel for how many searches are there are a month for that niche. An example of this would be, if your niche was abstract painting, type in 'abstract painting' and see how many results will show up. You want to find at least a few thousand searches a month or the niche might be too small and not profitable.
STEP 2: Amazon
Amazon is the worlds largest online bookstore and you can find some powerful niche research information here. Check out the current hot topics that people are buying. Look at the current bestsellers. Which has more searches, weight loss products or wealth coaching, for example.
If you found a few niches that you think are potentially profitable... let's go a little further. Go check out the website... and look to see which magazines are the most popular. Magazine companies pay thousands and thousands of dollars each month for making new issues. So you can bet, that if a company is willing to make new issues every month, that it means they are profiting... Big Times! And that it is a hot topic... So strike while the iron is hot!
What does this mean for you?
What this means for you... is that this it's hot, hot, hot! "It's a 'hot niche"... and you stand to profit... Big Times!
STEP 4: Visit the Forums
Now, you probably already know that there are thousands of forums, in all kinds of things out there, and not just internet marketing or making money online. If you haven't a clue on which forum to go to, in your niche, you can start by going to Google and type in 'forum' and then type in the word your most interested in, for your 'niche'. This will bring up many forums in your niche. If Google brings up too many other niche type forums, just put the name of your niche in quotation marks. Now Google will only bring up your specific niche forum. Hint: A really good internet marketing or making money online forum to go to is... the Warrior Forum.
Forums are also a good way to find out what the problems are that your target market is having. And by reading about these problems... you'll be able to come up with solutions to these problems... and this is how you can create your own product to sell! Get it? In short... Keep an eye on the newly discussed hot topics in these forums!  Did you find this article helpful? Would you like to learn more? If the answer is yes... then take a look at the step-by-step video tutorials here!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Internet Marketing Strategies - Competitive Product and Search Engine Marketing Course 

In effective internet marketing, it is not only important to have the best product to offer to customers in order to become a successful internet marketer. More than that, you also need to be aware that no matter how wonderful your product is created, if word is not widely spread that you have such a product to sell, then you won't have a product that successfully sells. In this case, you need to build that SEO literacy and the best way to start achieving that goal is through a search engine marketing course.  To elaborate further, the two important marketing strategies to become an effective internet marketer are as follows:

1. Choose to sell only competitive product. It is important to have a competitive product because you want to create a reputation as an internet marketer. A competitive product is a product that you would not be embarrassed to sell because of its quality and usefulness. You don't want to sell substandard products because you want to keep selling. You do not want to give false promises about your product. You want to create that repeat purchase. If your customers are pleased and satisfied with the product you are selling them, you would usually find them coming back to you for another order. In fact, you would also be glad to know that you are more likely to create another sale for every happy and satisfied customer who will freely provide product testimonies and confidently recommend your product to their friends. Also, if you have already created that reputation, you will not find it hard to sell another product because you have already created that trust.
2. Promote your product through search engine marketing. Any product for sale doesn't get noticed successfully if you don't do search engine optimization. SEO takes care of the promotional aspect of your competitive product. You want potential customers to find your product first when they search for the terms or key words that have anything to do with the product you are selling. If you haven't tried learning from a search engine marketing course, then you might as well try and see the benefits that you can get from the said course.  We've already had knowledge of the fact that the internet is already loaded with so much information that if you don't know how to effectively market your product through this medium, it won't be long until your business will soon become a thing of the past. Again, in order to sell successfully, you need a good and reliable product to keep selling and you need to learn from a search engine marketing course to give your product a boost of web promotion.  Free Video Reveals the #1 Secret Most Small Business Owners will Never Know About Generating Leads and Making Money on The Internet. Take the Search Engine Marketing Course and learn from Mark Kreyman, a successful web promoter, at

Monday, January 25, 2010

How to Make Money Using the Internet

The question: how to make money using the Internet? Well first off, this not about programs or business models. This is truly about how to make money using the internet.  Leveraging the net and all it's capabilities is realizing that the Internet is a big tool. Better yet, just think of it as a tool box.  Within in that tool box are wrenches screws, nuts, bolts a couple hammers maybe a screw diver.  The point is that however you choose to get what your offering in front of the masses simply means your using the Internet for all it's worth
So here are some tools which will answer that question of how to make money using the internet.

1. In my opinion, marketing online through Article Marketing is ideal. As a top SEO tactic article marketing pays off in a big way. The people interested who actually read your articles tend to click through to your website, which is FREE traffic. Also when using article marketing your there forever, basically you own a piece of Internet real estate. The last benefit is that Articles gradually increase your website status or ranking over time.
#2 Another way how to use the internet to make money is through video. If your familiar with niche keywords then it is wise to use video services to dominate.  You know! YouTube, Viddler, services like that.
But best of all it is all free and that is a very cool thing? Lastly if your camera shy then use screen capture using software like Camtasia. How ever you do it, you can create a consistent lead funnel through this powerful resource.
#3 Marketing through social bookmarking and networking sites like Facebook & Twitter are superb. Social Networking is the wave of the future and of course another way how to make money using the Internet. Millions upon millions of people hang on these very sites so establishing a presence in these hot spots is how your earn online money.  The Internet is accessible, but most really do not understand that concept. As you progress ultimately you will find out that how to make money on the internet is through formulated systems.
All a system is s.y.s.t.e.m- (Save Your Self Time Energy & Money)  How to make money online is a skill. The more you do it the better you get at it..

Must Dos in 2010 to Market Your Business
Before we get into 2010, let's review what the Have More Clients predictions were for 2009:
Prediction 1: Get a Twitter Account
Well, it was said that Twitter was a "phenomenon that is set to take the world by storm" was accurate. What wasn't really understood a year, just how the storm would affect us all!
Prediction 2: Create a Group and Fan Page on Facebook
This is mostly right with the emphasis on Fan Page rather than group.
Prediction 3: Groups and Networks
This one didn't really pan out as well as the previous two. This could have been down to the emphasis on creating open networks than setting up specific groups.. but this will be with us in 2010
Prediction 4: Information Products
This one too, wasn't as big as I had anticipated. But, will still be with us as people get to grips with how to make the most of their time, and knowledge to get the best returns on their efforts
Prediction 5: Google Applications
Well, with MaxWeb, the propriety social media training programme being delivered through Google Reader, this has certainly been a turning point in how we use these applications. Also, by using Google Alerts, you are better able to track who is saying what about you and your products and services. Perhaps, there is still more opportunities here as more people get online.
Prediction 6: Subjects, Titles, Headings
Well, as people's lives become busier, the importance of standing out from the crowd and getting your email opened, pages ranked became a much talked about topic. But, it could change in 2010 particularly with search marketing...
And now with the 2010 predictions!
1. The iPhone dominates the smart phone handset in 2010 with the Apps store offering so much more for business owners. You can get your own apps icon written and offered through the Apple Store or from your website. And, please don't think for one minute that this isn't for you. Now is the time to consider how best to deliver excellent customer service... and an app could well help with this!
2. Being active on the internet ceases to be optional as people move from watching TV to being on the internet. There's been a 2% swing in just two years. You have got to be where your market is looking and consuming.
3. Creating content remains hot! Both in terms of creating and managing resources. As people implement the 4 Cs - creating, capture, collect and categorise so they become second nature, their presence and market attraction become sticky with sales resulting
4. Search Marketing or Search Engine Optimisation falls from the essential tools for businesses in 2010. This is due to the algorithms used by the search engines become more sophisticated and can determine whether people like a page for its content than just whether a page is optimised for that content.
5. Video is used more and more
Even though we are still in a recession and video is expensive, it will be adopted more and more by businesses. Don't limit your thinking by headshot videos as you see on current affairs programmes, there are lots of different ways to have video - screenshots, images to music, slideshow, screencasts to name four!
This is a volatile time in marketing, so the predictions for 2010 are limited to five. As it gives you the opportunity to embrace those elements untouched from 2009 and make headway with the hot topics for this year.   Karen Purves runs Have More Clients. Want to know more ways to have more clients? Discover how to use Twitter for Business with a *free report* at  Karen is no stranger to Marketing or Social Media. In the 1990s, she pioneered a business networking model from which many businesses in South East England benefited. She is now back, having set up and sold one business, and is delighted to be working with small businesses so they can make the most of their know-how through technology and new marketing approaches. To help small businesses further, Karen developed the Marketing Iceberg System and MaxWeb Social Media Marketing Programme that teaches Social Media Marketing through using social medial tools. Check out  Karen uses all these systems within her own business and shares with clients what works and what hasn't! That means clients get real value and their business growth is accelerated as a result. Karen provides online courses and consultancy services for small service businesses to increase the effectiveness of their marketing. When not marketing or reading about the latest trends, Karen walks her westies in the countryside, finds good food establishments and learns to cook better!